The Cleaning of the Tower

by Sherry

Sherry was ticked. First of all, she thought North and Trace were her friends. And look what she had done for North the other evening ... setting her up on that wonderful date with Operations. North had even let Sherry move in next to Michael she had been so happy. I mean, really! And then what do they do? They end up punishing Sherry and her buds for the little bit of fun they managed to have with North's wallpaper and secret stash of pictures! You would think that straining your back so that you could hardly move for a days would have been punishment enough! But, apparently not. And what do they do to punish her? On the first evening of downtime she's had in weeks (Sherry also thinks this in itself was punishment enough ... no free time for ages!), she has to clean the Tower. A shudder runs through her. Ugh ... just the thought of it -- Operations' personal playground. The thought alone is enough to make you sick!

So Sherry trudges up to the Tower and knocks to make sure the man himself isn't in. Then she takes the key North gave her and opens the door. She takes one step inside the room and stops dead in her tracks. "What -- did Hurricane Floyd pass through here or what?" Shaking her head and closing the door behind her, Sherry sets down her cleaning stuff and tries to figure out where to start. Shaking her head, she decides she might as well just start at the door and at least make a path through the mess in this room. Picking up used food containers and dead flowers, which seem to be scattered all over the place, she puts them in the trash. Next comes emptying all the disgusting ashtrays. "Man I wish this guy would quit smoking. The smell is enough to kill you. I can't imagine how he's survived smoking those things this long!" Next she picks up all the dirty dishes, empty champagne glasses and empty champagne bottles off of the table. The dishes and glasses go into the dishwasher, which seems to already be close to overflowing. Turning on the dishwasher, she tosses the empty champagne bottles with the rest of the trash. It seems the kitchen trash is also overflowing and beginning to smell. "Okay, ladies, I am really gonna get you for this one!" Sherry grumbles as she tries to control her stomach. Opening the windows to let in some fresh air, Sherry takes the offending trash bag and closes it up tightly and sets it outside the door to the Tower.

Making her way through the room, she picks up a couple of robes and a few other stray pieces of clothing and throws them in the laundry hamper. "You would think a man of his age and station in life would learn to pick up after himself a little better." There were pillows and couch cushions all over the place. "Hmm ... seems North and Operations got a bit carried away." Once this room is pretty well straightened, Sherry vacuums and dusts. When the room is finally cleaned, she decides to head for the bedroom. She really hates the thought of going in there, but you have to do what you have to do. Just then her cellphone rings. "Hello."

"Sherry, I've been waiting for you. I thought we could have dinner and spend the evening together." Sherry smiled. "Oh sounds heavenly, Michael. But I'm afraid I'm gonna have to decline. It seems that North and Trace got their heads together and decided I needed to be punished for messing with North's office the other night when she was out with Operations."

"You can't be serious. Let me talk to them. I'll get you out of ...." Concerned laced his voice as he asked "What exactly have they done to you?"

Sherry laughed. "First, Michael. Thanks for the offer, but don't bother. Let them have their revenge. I'm sure we'll find a way to get even ... eventually. And as for what they've done to me ... well, I'm spending the only downtime I've had in ages cleaning the Tower!"

Michael laughed. "Surely you jest. That is not a job for someone of your delicate sensibilities!"

Sherry smiled. It was nice that someone at least understood and cared. She sighed over the phone. "No, Michael, I'm not joking. I've been here for about two hours already and I've only gotten one room cleaned. What a pig sty this place is!"

Michael thought for a moment and then replied. "I know. I've seen it a time or two. I'll tell you what. I'll be up in a few minutes to help. Then perhaps we can salvage at least a little time together."

Sherry smiled. She was definitely liking this idea. "Are you sure, Michael? I mean, I'm sure you have something important you should be doing."

"Nothing that can't wait. I'll be right there." And Michael hung up.

Smiling to herself. Sherry decided this punishment might not be so bad after all! Spending time with Michael, even if it was to clean up Operations' pig sty, was always a plus.

It wasn't long at all before Sherry heard the Tower door open. As she was in the bedroom, she walked out to see who had entered. "Hey Michael. Thanks for volunteering for this. I'm sure I would have been here all night if you hadn't decided to help.'" Michael walked over to her and kissed her very soundly. Then he asked "Okay, what are we doing?"

Sherry, taking a moment to recover from the kiss, took a deep breath and said ... "Well, I've just started in the bedroom."

Michael nodded, grabbed her hand and pulled her along back into the bedroom. "Mon dieu, what a mess!" Sherry laughed. "My sentiments exactly! So, I guess we better get started."

After finding more clothes strew around and tossing them in the hamper, Sherry reached under the bed and pulled out a garment that definitely belonged to a female. She was about to toss it in the hamper with the rest of the things, when something about it caught her attention. She looked at it again a little closer and she got a sly grin on her face. Michael, who had been working on the other side of the room, turned and saw the look. "What is it? What have you found?"

Sherry laughed. "Oh, I do believe this belongs to North. Seems she forgot some of her clothes when she left the other evening. Hmmm ... wonder if should simply return it or ..."

Michael watched the wheels turning in her head. "Or what?"

"Oh, I'm not sure yet. But I could probably come up with something!" Laughing, Sherry tossed the garment to the side and continued to clean. As she was cleaning yet another ashtray, she noticed a piece of stationary laying on the bedside table. She picked it up. She could smell a faint odor of perfume still wafting off the paper. She was about to toss it in the trash when something told her to open it up and see what it was.

After reading it, Sherry laughed out loud. Michael turned yet again to see what she was up to. "What now?"

Sherry held out the paper. "You'll never guess what I have here. It's a love letter ... from North to Operations! Oh, this is just too good!" Sherry read it over again and then commented, "Boy, that North certainly has some imagination!" She folded the note up and then put it in her jeans pocket. "I think I've found my ammunition, Michael. Don't think I'll be pulling any more cleanup detail for a while."

Sherry and Michael continued cleaning the remainder of the rooms. They were just about finished when Michael found a piece of paper laying under the sink in the bathroom. (And let's not even discuss the disgusting mess that we in there!) Michael picked it up and read it. Not usually one to give away anything, he let a sly smile slip. Sherry, however, quite attuned to Michael's moods and expressions, noticed. "Okay, Michael. Give. What is it?"

"Well, it seems to be the companion to your letter. It's a love note from Operations to North. Only he adds quite a few nasty remarks about Madeline in it. I think I'll just keep this in a safe place and pull it out at the appropriate time ... perhaps when Madeline and Operations are a bit too cozy. Just could be the leverage I need."

Having finally finished cleaning the Tower to a sparkling shine, Sherry sagged against the wall. "I'm exhausted. How often do they clean this place anyway? Once a year?"

Michael laughed. "How about letting me get rid of this trash and then I'll meet you in your room. I think a massage just might make you feel a little better."

"Oh, you got that right." Holding up the garment that belong to North, Sherry continued. "I've got one short stop to make and then I'll meet you in my room."

Sherry walked to North's office and knocked. "Come in."

Sherry opened the door and smiled. "Hey North ...."

The End??

This story ©copyright Sherry, 1999

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