by Sherry


Nikita walked into Section that morning feeling good for a change. Not that she was happy, but she was okay with things for now. She knew Michael was working on a way for them to be together, so she was biding her time until he could make it a reality.

She walked passed Birkoff's station and headed for Walter. "Hey Walter, what's up?" Walter didn't answer her immediately, appearing to concentrate single-mindedly on the piece of equipment he was working on. "Hey Walter. Are you okay?"

Finally he sighed and looked up. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just got a lot to do."

Nikita, taking the hint, decided to leave him alone for now. "Okay Walter, I'll see you later."

Nikita turned to leave without ever getting a reply. She thought Walter was worried about something. She'd check with Birkoff and see what he knew.

"Hey Birkoff."

"Hey Nikita."

"Do you know what's bothering Walter?" she asked as she plopped down on the corner of Birkoff's station.

"Yeah. He's being evaluated today. The older an operative gets, the more frequently they are evaluated."

Nikita nodded and thanked Birkoff.

A little while later in Testing Room C ...

Walter was sitting strapped into a chair ... the lone occupant of the room. He knew they were watching him through the glass. He didn't know who all was there, but he assumed at least Operations and/or Madeline and Frick. She was the one who always questioned him.

Frick turned on the intercom and spoke. "Walter, we have only one question for you today."

Walter sighed in relief. At least this would be over soon.

"Walter, which would you rather see in a SLINKY, LEATHER outfit ... a MONKEY or a cat?"

Walter groaned and SCRUNCHED up his face. "How in the NUBBIN am I supposed to answer that!"

The End

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