Thanksgiving Fiasco

Part One by Northstar

North was sitting at her desk contemplating the latest pile of paperwork. She had been neglectful the last few days and it had grown considerably in size. With Thanksgiving coming up in a few days she wanted to make sure she had it all done so that she could spend some time with her fellow sisters. She still couldn't figure out why Canada and the US held the holiday at different times. She was so engrossed in her paperwork that she didn't hear Christopher come in.

"Hey Northstar."

North startled looked up from her paper work. "Christopher, how many times have I told you that you may call me just 'North'? We've known each other long enough that we can be less formal you know."

Christopher blushed as she said this to him. He wasn't sure if he could just call her that. It wasn't the way he was trained. He didn't say anything in response but went on with the reason he had come in the first place. "We really need to go over the menu for the dinner this Thursday."

"Oh gosh, I forgot all about that." North looked again at the pile of paper in front of her. She could maybe get someone else to help with the planning of the dinner. All she needed was to get involved in that and then a mission would come up and she would be tied up and then dinner would be chaos. "Look Christopher, why don't you get Trace to help you with the menu this time. I am really swamped here and if we get a mission come in I will be all tied up." Little did she know how prophetic this statement would become....


Part Two - Trace

Trace hung her head in disbelief, after reading the note in the envelope. Only two minutes before, she had planned a leisurely day, her first off in two months. The open air, the freedom, just her and Gray. They had planned to spend the entire day on an antique shop exploring spree. But, now those plans had to wait. It seemed that North, and Christopher, needed her help in planning the Thanksgiving Day dinner for her fellows occupants of CLHQ.

Taking the note, and moving across the room, she plopped down on her bed. Closing her eyes, and pinching the bridge of her nose, she sighed.

'Now,' she said, whispering to herself, 'what would be a good choice?'

'Good choice for what?'

Jumping to her feet, Trace turned her gaze to the open door of her room. Standing there, clad in a tight fitting black tee-shirt, and crisp white mid thigh shorts, was Gray. His hair, golden with dark shadowing, was gelled up into small tiny spikes. His blue eyes twinkled, while his smile only deepened his already irresistible dimples. He was leaning casually against the doorframe, his head tilted to one side.

'Oh, I didn't hear you come up,' Trace offered, moving slowly towards him. He smiled at her, pushing against the doorframe with is shoulder, and moving towards her as well. She returned his smile, as they met just inside the doorway.

Looking up at him, Trace suddenly furrowed her brow. 'Sorry, but something has come up, and we will have to put our shopping spree on hold.'

Gray took hold of Trace's hands, and looked deeply into her eyes. 'No problem. We can always do it some other time.'

Trace smiled. 'Thanks.'

'Is whatever came up something I can help with?' Gray inquired, as his thumbs slowly, and seductively caressed the knuckles of Trace's hands. For a moment, she didn't answer, from having a problem concentrating. When he smiled, pleased with the effect he was having on her, she regained control and answered.

'Maybe. Seems North is all tied up at the moment, so it is up to me to help Christopher plan the Thanksgiving Day dinner this year.'

'All tied up huh?' Gray said, a mischievous grin forming on his lips. 'I would say that Operations is being a naughty boy again.'

Trace giggled, and playfully slapped him in the chest. 'No, not *that* kind of tied up. You know what I mean. Anyway, I am sure that there are both Canadian and American operatives here, and I am not that versed in the traditional Canadian version of Thanksgiving.'

Gray stood straight upright, and placing his hand to his brow, saluted Trace. 'Then I am your man. Operative Gray at your service. You only need to ask, and I will answer my lady.'

Trace could not help but think how cute he looked. Then, deciding to take him up on his offer bombarded him with every question she could think of. Between the two of them, within an hour, had worked out all the particulars involved in the meal being created, and served.

After having called Christopher, and laid out the plans for him, she hung up the phone and turned back to Gray. 'Now,' she began, he fingertip running back and forth over his collarbone, 'what was that about new uses for cranberry sauce?'

Little did the two know that, during their entire conversation, and planning session, a plan of another kind was unfolding within the hallowed walls of their beloved CLHQ. A plan that would prove to make this Thanksgiving the most memorable and unforgettable that any of them had ever known or seen....


Part Three - DragonLady

"Thanksgiving Dinner!" DragonLady exclaimed in disgust, throwing the envelope to the floor. "Another Holiday, another 5 pounds! better hit training now, or my mission pants will not fit."

DragonLady grabbed her gym bag and headed out the door, bumping into her brother Roy. "You must have got the Letter regarding food." Roy's comment trailed as his sister interrupted. "Oh Shut Up!"

As she by passed her idiotic brother a thought entered into her head... I wonder who thought up fatty food, probably Red Cell, the only way they can catch us is to fatten us up...


Part Four - Aly

Aly tried to climb out of the fog she had been surrounded by for the past several months. Hearing a strange buzzing in her head, she tried to shake it off, like an annoying insect.

Nevertheless, the buzzing persisted. Opening one bleary bloodshot eye, she saw the red light blinking on her phone. Slapping the offending object from the nightstand, she heard the voice float up to her from the handset anyways.

"Aly?!? Aly?!? Are you there?"

With a groan, she reached down and grabbed the receiver, speaking sharply to the caller. "What?!? Do you realize that this is my first day back!?!"

Suddenly, she bolted upright in bed. "Is that so? When? And you want me to help you what?!?" Smiling and glancing at the clock she rose and started to pull her mission gear out of the chest.

"I'll be there. With bells on. "

Replacing the phone and receiver on her nightstand, she laughed to herself as she went in to shower.

"Now this should be a fun Thanksgiving after all."

~~< >~~< >~~< >~~< >~~

Operations replaced his phone and turned towards his monitor.

Punching a few keys impatiently, he grinned as he thought of his plan... and putting it into action. He knew he could count on Aly. She always loved a good mission. And pulling one over on North... that was the clincher!!


Part Five - Nabiki

Nabiki had just returned from her long week mission in Puerto Rico, dealing with Hurricane Lenny. Mostly the damage was done by flooding situations, but some people, like the one she stayed with had problems with the electricity cables and overloads.

All she could think was a night hot bath and of course her date with Roy. After all the commotion that Operations fiasco had brought with O'Brien and the loss of a covert sister, and then her mission, they hadn't have the opportunity to talk.

"Hey, DragonLady, where you going in such a hurry?"

"Don't ask, remember the week it is and that's enough. If you hurry you might catch my brother. He's somewhere around here hanging out, waiting for you", said DragonLady with a smile on her face cause she knew something was happening between those two; as she swept past Nabiki with her gym bag open and most of her things hanging out.

"I thought you were hiding from me, Nabiki", said a voice. The one she loved and always recognized no matter what. It always made her shiver and make her knees become Jell-O.

"Hi Roy, I'm finally back" Nabiki said as she walked up to him to give him a kiss on the cheek. What she didn't expect was Roy to turn his face and the kiss landed right in their lips.

"I'm very glad you are back and out of harm, my sweet Nabiki. We're still on the date for that coffee, right? If you're not too tired, would you like to go for it now? Roy asked her as pulled her head up and placed another kiss on her forehead.

"Ahh, sure, ahh, that would be great. .ahh, let me put my bags in my room and we'll go. So what's been cooking in the Headquarters?"

"Funny you should say that, I know that Thanksgiving is this week and I've heard a celebration is in order" Roy commented as they walked to Nabiki's room.

"That's right. On Thursday. I totally forgot. I hope it goes well, cause after all we've been through, the whole gang needs a break", Nabiki said not even knowing what was really cooking in the minds of the others.


Part Six - Sherry

Sherry was pretty much recovered from her kidnapping and was beginning to get back in the swing of things. And seeing as the holidays were coming up, her mood was improving rapidly. This was her favorite time of year ... Thanksgiving and then Christmas. She was sitting on her sofa contemplating what she might want to get her friends and Michael for Christmas when the phone rang.

Leaning over she picked it up after the third ring. "Hello."

"Sherry, Operations here. I need to see you immediately."

Sherry rolled her eyes. Not again. Why can't he ever call anyone else. "Yes, sir. I'll be right there." Sherry hung up the phone, threw the list she was compiling on the table and pulled on her sneakers. Then she headed out the door. On the way, she passed Roy and Nabiki in the hallway kissing.

"Hey guys. You might wanna take it to a room," she laughed as she passed them. She really chuckled when she saw how quickly Nabiki pulled away, not quite sure of who had caught them. As Sherry continued on her journey, she passed Trace's room and the door was standing wide open. Trace and Gray were playing a game a "slap and tickle." Sherry shook her head. "What has gotten into everybody today? Hey guys. Next time you might try closing the door!" Then she laughed and continued on her way.

Pondering what Operations might want, whether it was actually a mission or simply another "I want a date with North" session, Sherry didn't see the person coming in the opposite direction. She walked smack dab into them, almost knocking them over. She looked up and saw Aly.

"Aly! It's great to have you back." The two quickly hugged and then Aly asked Sherry where she was headed. "Oh, I was beckoned by his majesty. When you get a chance, we'll have to catch up."

Aly nodded and started down the hallway. She had a pretty good idea what Operations wanted and was certain she and Sherry would be meeting again soon.

Sherry finally entered Operations' office. He motioned for her to sit.

"Thank you for coming. I have a job for you."

He must have noticed the look on her face. "No, it's not a mission. And it's not another test. As I've said before, I'm very sorry for the way that last test turned out. No one feels worse about it than I do."

Sherry snorted. "Yeah ... why don't we ask Roy and DragonLady about that."

Operations smiled. "Touché. Now, as for why I called you here ...."

A short time later, Sherry left Operations office, trying to keep a straight face. She couldn't believe what he had in mind. She got as far as the CLHQ headquarters before she lost it. Laughing out loud, she hoped North wasn't around. The last thing she wanted to do was face interrogation from North right now. Just then someone walked up behind her and whispered in her ear, making her jump practically a foot in the air.

"What are you laughing so about?"

Once she realized whom it was, her heart rate settled ... a little anyway. "Michael, you scared me to death."

"I'm sorry. Now what is so funny."

Sherry took his hand and pulled him along with her. "Come on, Michael. I'll explain on the way. You can help us with this too. Right now we have to go see Aly. It's hard to tell exactly what shenanigans Monkeygirl has in mind. With her and Operations putting their heads together, North doesn't stand a chance."

Just then North came around the corner, heading in their direction. "Hello Sherry, Michael. Where are you two headed?"

Sherry smiled, but before she could answer, Michael jumped in. "We're going out. We haven't spent much time together away from here lately with what happened. I thought Sherry could use a change of scenery."

North nodded. "You're right, Michael. I'm sure it will do her good."

Sherry, getting exasperated, said, "Excuse me, guys, but I'm standing right here. And yes, I would love a change of scenery. Thanks. By the way North, how are things coming? Have you made any big plans for Thanksgiving yet? I can't to see what you've got in mind."

North shook her head. "Sorry, but I'm swamped. I've actually turned over the Thanksgiving preparations to Trace this year. She and Christopher should be working together. And if I know Trace, I'm sure Gray will be involved somehow as well."

Sherry laughed. "Yeah, you can say that again. Well North, if you need any help with all that paperwork, just give me a yell. I'm back on active status, but Operations doesn't want me out in the field just yet. So I'll be glad to help out."

North smiled. "Thanks Sherry. I just might have to take you up on that." Then North continued on to her office.

Once they arrived at Aly's room, Sherry knocked. Aly opened the door. "Hey Sherry. Operations just called and said I should be expecting you. And Michael ... what a surprise to find you with Sherry!" They all laughed and then Aly invited them in. "Come on in. We've got a lot of planning and work to do!"

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