Field Maneuvers

By Sylvia aka Sly


She sits and stares at her computer monitor as though it will tell her what she want's to know...

Finally, Nikita says to the whole group that they have to play an outdoor game. Field soccer...groans can be heard throughout section. No one could imagine having Madeline on their team. Operations was all for it thinking he could just run over anybody that got in his way, like that little twerp Birkoff who is always finding some way to make him look bad.

He said that Walter could be on Madeline's team as he didn't need any old men to slow him down. But Michael and Nikita both opted to play on the same team as Walter and Birkoff. It was stacking up against Operations and he started yelling at all of them that they were all sissies and couldn't keep up with him if they tried all day against his team with Davenport, Mentz, and that guy that they thought was dead, Jurgen.

As Madeline looked her team over she actually thought they might have a chance of winning. She smiled at them showing sharp teeth and a need to win in this exercise in relaxation. None of them were ever that far away from their true natures in this respect so the game began and they fought long and hard over the ball.

George and Adrian had been outside taking a leisurely stroll when they noticed the activity. They wandered over to watch, sitting down on the grass and leaning into each other's shoulder they kept score.

Finally the game was over and every one of them was sweaty and breathing hard. Operations gloated, "well, I told you that you couldn't beat us."

"What do yo mean, we won" said Nikita And they were off into a huge argument. Adrian and George got up and went over to them and announced that it was a tie and they should just be happy that they have each other to play with.

So they all decided to have another go at getting along and ran a couple of laps around the lawn and then collapsed onto the grass and laughed their heads off.

All except Operations that is...


The End