New Recruit

By Northstar


As Birkoff glanced at the ENORMOUS task in front of him he seemed undaunted. He knew he could get it done before the projected deadline. Making himself comfortable he checked in his drawer and got out a bag of PEANUTS. Normally he snacked on other things but someone had told him that peanuts gave you brain power and were a good source of protein. Well, he'd give it them a try. Opening the first file he scanned through it and when he was done he brought up the second one. This one caught his attention.

"The subject seems at times very SUBMISSIVE and will need to be handled accordingly. The operative that will be assigned to infiltrate the locale will have to do so in such a way as to not be too over bearing. Subject is female, 20 yrs old and small in stature and at times is very DEMURE although this can be deceiving. Subject at times can abruptly erupt into fierceness when cornered. She handles authority well and handles constructive criticism with a maturity beyond her years."

Birkoff continued to read the profile. This one sounded interesting. His job was to read the profiles and then pick the ones that looked promising. The more he read, the more he liked this one. "Subject is unparalleled in her knowledge of computers and writing of languages. She was first in her class in all subjects."

The more Birkoff read the more impressed he was. The fact that she was close to his age was just a bonus. He would love to work beside someone like her. It would definitely be a change from having to work with Greg. He would definitely put this one in the 'promising' pile. Doing this he proceeded to pull up the next file.

Nikita came into Comm and glanced around. She and her team had just come in from a successful mission and she was exhausted. Walking over to Birkoff and noticing the smile on his face, she sat on the corner of his desk. "Hey Birkoff, whatcha doing?" she asked as she pulled the ELASTIC from her ponytail and let her hair hang free.

"Just going over some new profiles and picking out the ones that look interesting." he answered as he popped a few more peanuts into his mouth.


He looked up at Nikita. "And what?"

Nikita smiled at him. "I saw you smiling when I first walked in. You must have seen something interesting."

Birkoff looked down to his hands and then to the screen. He knew if he looked at her that she would be able to see he was hedging the truth. She was always teasing him about his choice in girlfriends. "Not really."

"No? Then let me have a look." she smiled as she went to stand behind him. She loved teasing him and he always turned a very becoming shade of pink when she did.

"I don't have time right now. I need to get this done." Birkoff hedged. He knew he had spent too much time on the one file and now he would have to hurry through the rest of them in order to beat the deadline. Madeline had been very firm when she had handed him the assignment. "Don't you have to go to de-brief anyway?"

Nikita laughed. "I know what you're doing Birkoff. Yes I do have to go but I will be back." With that she got off the desk and went to hand in her weapons to Walter

"Hey Sugar. I hear the mission came off well." he said as he looked up at her.

"Yeah it did." Nikita smiled back.


A short while later Birkoff was summoned to Madeline's office. After handing over the file he just sort of stood there.

"Yes Birkoff, what is it?" Madeline asked without glancing up.

"Uh... there was one profile in there that I think you should look at."

Madeline looked at Birkoff with a small smile on her face. She knew which one he was talking about. "The Simmons file?" Birkoff just nodded his head. "Yes I thought that one would catch your attention. We've already proceeded with the induction."

"You have?" Birkoff asked incredulously.

"Yes Birkoff we have. She came to our attention a while back and we have been monitoring her and the timing was right to take her. So we did. In fact you will be meeting with her shortly. You may go now Birkoff."

The End

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